Beseda o agresi a hádkách v médiích a užívání hovorového jazyka

Oddělení stylistiky a lingvistiky textu Ústavu pro jazyk český AV ČR a Jazykovědné sdružení České republiky si Vás dovolují pozvat na besedu, kterou uvede prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Kloch (Uniwersytet Warszawski + Instytut Badań Literackich PAN), na téma Agresja i kłótnie w mediach a potoczne zachowania językowe. Beseda s hostem se koná ve středu dne 5. října 2011 v 10:00 v prostorách oddělení stylistiky a lingvistiky textu Ústavu pro jazyk český AV ČR, 2. patro, Letenská 4, Praha 1.



Aggression and Quarrel in the Media and Common Speech Usage

This paper provides a fragmentary attempt to describe aggression and quarrels occurring in public debates in radio and television as an adopted convention of public discourse, recently dominant in the Polish media. Arguing and verbal aggression are analyzed here in relation to common cultural experiences within the sphere of public communication; experiences which define what people consider being the behavioural norm of speaking in the public sphere. The paper seeks to present transformations occurring within public communication in Poland during the recent years, to reveal their dependence on patterns developed in the American media. It also intends to show the impact of rhetorical strategies of communication in the media on common beliefs relating to what is the convention of speaking in the public sphere, as well as their influence on popular culture. The paper is based on research conducted on radio and television current affairs opinion shows broadcast in 2009 by the public radio and television, as well as by commercial stations.


Key words: social communication, rhetoric, public discourse, common cultural experience, contemporary mass culture.

26. 9. 2011