Department of Language Development




Valentinská 1
116 46  Praha 1
E-mail: vyvoj at

About the Department of Language Development:

The Department of Language Development researches the history of the Czech language in two key task areas: lexicological-lexicographical and text linguistic-editorial. In the lexicological-lexicographical task area, the Department focuses on the study and description of Czech vocabulary from early history (from its historical beginnings to the end of the 15th century) and middle history (from the 16th century to the national revival period). Currently the Department’s main outputs are the Electronic Dictionary of Old Czech and the Lexical Database of Humanistic and Baroque Czech.

The Department’s text linguistic-editorial task area encompasses comprehensive philological analysis of historical texts. The key output of this work is editions of old Czech, humanistic and baroque literary artefacts in both book and electronic form.

Department staff inform the academic and lay public about their scientific work through printed and electronic publications, professional and popular articles, academic lectures and conferences, media presentations and university courses.

The Department is also the creator and operator of the website Web Vocabulary (“Vokabulář webový”), where the results of the Department of Language Development’s work are published along with other resources which detail the earlier phases of development of the Czech language.


Our current work:

Project manager: Mgr. Štěpán Šimek, Ph.D.
The Electronic Dictionary of Old Czech project was initiated in 2005 and is elaborated in the Department of Language Development of the CLI. It captures Czech vocabulary from the time of the earliest written record of the language to the end of the 15th century. It is based on material amassed in the lexical archive of the Department of Language Development.
For details, click here.

Project manager: PhDr. Alena Černá, Ph.D.
The Department develops diachronic text linguistics in several different directions. In particular, critical editions of several representative artefacts of old Czech literature were/are being prepared through grant projects.

Aside from printed editions, the Department also develops electronic editions; the staff’s areas of interest include medieval manuscript artefacts and printed editions from the 15th-18th centuries. Electronic editions serve as a material basis for linguistic research and are also incorporated into the edition module of the Web Vocabulary website. Selected electronic editions are also available as electronic books. Artefact texts transcribed by the Department are further used to create corpora of historical Czech, which are likewise published on the Web Vocabulary site.
For details, click here.


Project manager: Mgr. Markéta Pytlíková, Ph.D.
Web Vocabulary is an Internet application launched in November 2006 featuring text, image and sound resources for learning about historical Czech along with tools for editing and analysing historical texts. Material is gradually added to the site.
For details, click here.

Project manager: PhDr. Petr Nejedlý, Ph.D.
The Lexical Database of Humanistic and Baroque Czech project was launched in 2005 as a response to an appeal to systematically compile middle history Czech vocabulary (from ca. 1500 to 1780). The foundation of the database was created through digitalisation of the card file stored in the Department of Language Development and the database is intermittently supplemented with selected excerpts. All of the records contain several computer-legible data about the excerpted lexical units and sources, which means the database enables both searching and browsing.

The database is a material collection which, in its final form, will serve as a basis for development of the planned Dictionary of Humanistic and Baroque Czech, since no dictionary has been compiled for this period to date. At present partial lexicological studies are being elaborated and published in academic journals, collections of papers and monographs. Staff also use the information in university courses and language popularisation.
Registered users may access the current version here.



Head of the Department
e-mail: pytlikova at
tel.: +420 225 391 460
e-mail: simek at
tel.: +420 225 391 456

PhDr. Alena Černá, Ph.D. person.pngASEP BČL

e-mail: alenacerna at
tel.: +420 225 391 452
Mgr. Jan Dušek person.pngASEP BČL
e-mail: jdusek at
tel.: +420 225 391 455
e-mail: j.filipova at
tel.: +420 225 391 452
e-mail: fukova at
tel.: +420 225 391 459
e-mail: hejdova at
tel.: +420 225 391 459
e-mail: a.svobodova at
tel.: +420 225 391 460
PhDr. Milada Homolková, Ph.D. person.pngASEP BČL
e-mail: homolkova at
tel.: +420 225 391 458
Mgr. Martina Jamborová person.png ASEP BČL
e-mail: jamborova at
tel.: +420 225 391 456


e-mail: koupil at
tel.: +420 225 391 452
Mgr. Hana Kreisingerová. Ph.D.  person.png ASEP BČL
e-mail: kreisingerova at
tel.: +420 225 391 458
e-mail: a.michalcova at
tel: +420 225 391 459
e-mail: o.navratilova at

tel.: +420 225 391 457


PhDr. Petr Nejedlý, Ph.D.  person.pngASEP BČL
e-mail: nejedly at
tel.: +420 225 391 455
e-mail: pergler at
tel.: +420 225 391 456
Mgr. Barbora Řezníčková, Ph.D. (temporarily absent) person.pngASEPBČL
e-mail: reznickova at
tel.: +420 225 391 457
Mgr. Ondřej Svoboda person.pngASEP
e-mail: svoboda at
tel.: +420 225 391 457
e-mail: timofejev at
tel.: +420 225 391 452
PhDr. Miloslava Vajdlová, Ph.D. person.pngASEP BČL
e-mail: vajdlova at
tel.: +420 225 391 455
Mgr. Kateřina Voleková, Ph.D. person.pngASEP BČL
e-mail: volekova at
tel.: +420 225 391 460
e-mail: zdenkova at
tel.: +420 225 391 458