Ongoing grants


Czech dialects in an interactive view. Documentation and ways to accessibility of the disappearing linguistic heritage as integral part of regional identities
Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, NAKI II – Support of Applied Research and Experimental Developments of National and Cultural identity 2016-2022 (NAKI II)
Project Identifier: DG20P02OVV029

Principal Investigator: PhDr. Martina Ireinová, Ph.D., Department of Dialectology of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Co-researcher: prof. RNDr. Vít Voženílek, CSc., Department of Geoinformatics of the Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc
Implementation period: 2020 –2022


Feast and Famine: Confronting Overabundance and Defectivity in Language 

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
Registration No.: AH/T002859/1


Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Neil Bermel:University of Sheffield

Czech Co-researchers: PhDr. Kamila Smejkalová, Ph.D., Mgr. Martin Beneš, Ph.D., Department of Language Cultivation of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, doc. Mgr. Václav Cvrček, Ph.D., Mgr. Dominika Kováříková, M.A., Ph.D., Institute of the Czech national Corpus of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. Other Co-researchers: York University, University of Brighton (Great Britain), University of Zagreb (Croatia), Institute for the Croatian Language and Linguistics (Croatia), University of Tartu (Estonia)

Implementation period: 2020–2022


The First Printed Old Czech Psalter (a philological analysis and critical edition)
Czech Science Foundation
Registration No.: 20-06229S
Project Manager: Mgr. Kateřina Voleková, Ph.D., Department of Language Development of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Implementation period: 2020–2022


LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ – – Digital Research Infrastructure for the Language Technologies, Arts and Humanities

Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic

Registration No.: LM2018101

Principal Investigator: prof. RNDr. Jan Hajič, Dr., Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University

CLI Co-researcher: PhDr. Martin Prošek, Ph.D., Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Implementation period: 2019–2022


Lexico-Semantic Database of Czech

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Programme: ETA Programme for Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in Social Sciences and Humanities
Registration No.: TL02000041
Principal Investigator: prof. PhDr. Aleš Klégr, Faculty of Arts of Charles University
Co-researcher: Mgr. Jan Křivan, Ph.D., Department of Contemporary Lexicology and Lexicography of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Application guarantors: Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences; Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University; Czech Association for Digital Humanities; The Union of Interpreters and Translators; Czech Literary Translators’ Guild; United Organization of Blind and Partially Sighted of the Czech Republic
Implementation period: 2019–2022


Web-based corrector of spelling, grammar and typography for Czech

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Programme: ETA Programme for Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in Social Sciences and Humanities
Registration No.: TL02000146
Principal Investigator: Mgr. Dana Hlaváčková, Ph.D., Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University
Co-researcher 1: PhDr. Markéta Pravdová, Ph.D., MBA, Department of Language Cultivation of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Co-researcher 2: doc. RNDr. Vladimír Petkevič, CSc., Institute of Theoretical and Computational
Linguistics of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University
Application guarantor:, a. s.
Implementation period: 2019–2022


The role of syntactic, prosodic and non-verbal features in Czech talk-in-interaction
Czech Science Foundation
Registration No.: 19-21523S
Researcher: Mgr. Martin Havlík, Ph.D., Department of Stylistics and Sociolinguistics of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Implementation period: 2019–2021


The Czech of Daniel Adam of Veleslavín
Czech Science Foundation
Registration No.: 19-05654S
Researcher: PhDr. Alena Černá, Ph.D., Department of Language Development of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Implementation period: 2019–2021


Publish and Flourish: Publication Activity Support for PhD Students and their Supervisors
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Programme: ETA Programme for Applied Research, Experimental Development and Innovation in Social Sciences and Humanities
Registration No.: TL01000274
Principal Investigator: Mgr. Alena Kašpárková, Ph.D., VŠB-TUO
Co-researcher: Mgr. Kamila Etchegoyen Rosolová, Ph.D., Department of Language Studies od the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Implementation period: 2018-2021


Mixing genres, styles and discourses in contemporary Czech public communication

Czech Science Foundation

Registration No.: 18-08651S
Principal Investigator: doc. PhDr. Jiří Homoláč, CSc., Department of Stylistics and Sociolinguistics of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Co-researcher: prof. PhDr. Petr Mareš, CSc., Faculty of Arts of Charles University

Implementation period: 2018–2020


Old Church Slavonic heritage in Old Czech
Czech Science Foundation

Registration No.: 18-02702S
Researcher: PhDr. Helena Karlíková, CSc., Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Implementation period: 2018–2020