Department of Scientific Information





Valentinská 1
116 46  Praha 1

E-mail: bibliografie at, knihovna at


The work of the Department of Scientific Information:


The library of the Czech Language Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. specialises in linguistic and Czech studies literature and also contains selected publications from affiliated fields (literary science, history, etc.). It has been under development since the 1950s. The library contains approximately 57,000 volumes and 140 domestic and international journals to which the library currently subscribes. About 300 new works are added each year. The book catalogue has been electronic since 1995 (initially in ISIS, now in Aleph) and is part of the collective catalogue of libraries of the Academy of Sciences institutions, while the catalogue of periodicals is part of the database of the National Library (“SKCP”).

The book collections of the Brno-based Dialectology Department (ca. 11,000 volumes) and the Etymology Department (ca. 15,000 volumes) are administratively part of the library of the Czech Language Institute but are managed separately and their electronic catalogues are also available in the collective catalogue.

The library serves staff of academic institutions and students as well as the public (both on- and off-site loans, research services).


The Bibliography Section analytically processes Czech linguistic and foreign Czech studies works (electronically since 1992 in the BCL database). All of the records contain special decimal sorting codes and keywords and most records contain annotations. About 4,500 records are added each year. The database is easy to search from various aspects and database research services are provided upon request (we take questions by phone or e-mail).

Access to the bibliography database: Bibliography of Czech linguistics (1991–)
Most of the published bibliographical yearbooks are available as PDFs (1945–1963, 1973–1992, 1995–2001): BCL-PDF (gradually supplemented).
The ASEP database, which was set up in 1993, serves the internal needs of the institute (automated system of publication records) and is accessible on the website of the Academy of Sciences Library website.

The Bibliography Section publishes the Bibliography of Czech Linguistics yearbook, the Bibliography of Czech Onomastics yearbook and occasional thematic or personal bibliographies. It also contributes to international linguistic bibliographies (Bibliographie linguistique – Linguistic bibliography, Brill, Leiden; Bibliografia Językoznawstwa Slawistycznego, Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Slawistyki, Warsaw; The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Modern Humanities Research Association, London; MLA International Bibliography, Modern Language Association of America, New York) and to the Slavistik-Portal at the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin.



Our current work: 


  1. adding to, processing and protecting library collections (K. Holmanová)
  2. loans, research and copying services, interlibrary loans (E. Hrachová, K. Holmanová)




  1. academic analytical processing of Czech studies linguistic literature into an electronic database (J. Papcunová, A. Nejedlá, E. Hrachová, O. Kubešová Pensdorfová, M. Smlsalová)
  2. preparation and publication of thematic bibliographies (J. Papcunová, A. Nejedlá)
  3. processing and checking of the Dictionary of Keywords (J. Papcunová)
  4. contributing to international linguistic bibliographies (J. Papcunová)
  5. processing retrospective records into a bibliography database (J. Papcunová, A. Nejedlá, E. Hrachová, O. Kubešová Pensdorfová, M. Smlsalová)
  6. research services



Collections and materials:


Bibliographical yearbooks from 1945–1992 and 1995–2001 can be downloaded as PDFs here.



Head of the Department
e-mail: papuncova at
tel.: +420 224 818 464
fax: +420 225 391 464

e-mail: holmanova at

tel.: +420 225 391 462


Mgr. Eva Hrachová BČL
e-mail: hrachova at
tel: +420 225 391 463
Mgr. Alena Nejedlá ASEP BČL
e-mail: nejedla at
tel.: +420 225 391 464, +420 224 818 182

e-mail: kubesova at

tel.: +420 225 391 464
Mgr. Marianna Smlsalová
e-mail: smlsalova at
tel.: +420 225 391 464