
The list of the contents of published issues in the quoting form here.

The list of authors here


Reduced content of the current issue

KGA 26/2022


Reduced contents of the issues published in the last two years

KGA 25/2022

KGA 24/2021
KGA 23/2021


Full contents of older issues

KGA 22/2020

KGA 21/2020

KGA 20/2019

KGA 19/2019

KGA 18/2018

KGA 17/2018

KGA 16/2017

KGA 15/2017

KGA 14/2016

KGA 13/2016

KGA 12/2015

KGA 11/2015

KGA 10/2014

KGA 09/2014

KGA 08/2013

KGA 07/2013

KGA 06/2012

KGA 05/2012

KGA 04/2011

KGA 03/2011

KGA 02/2010

KGA 01/2010