The conditions for issuing expert opinions on the personal names of the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

By filling in the form, the applicant obligatorily orders the elaboration of an expert opinion. After sending the request, it is no longer possible to cancel the order.


The deadline for preparing an expert opinion is 30 days. However, the opinion is usually issued in a shorter period, in most cases within two weeks.


Please note that if we conclude that the law on registries, name and surname does not allow a positive processing of the application, the expert opinion will be negative. The preparation of an opinion is always charged, even in the case of a negative conclusion. Even then, a search in the professional literature is necessary, which is time consuming. The price of an opinion depends on the complexity of its processing and is usually in the range of CZK 600–1100 (+ VAT and postage) for an opinion on one name.


The applicant will receive an advance invoice by e-mail. After paying, we send the opinion by registered letter.