
Slovo a slovesnost


Published by the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, a public research institution


A journal for the theory of language and language cultivation founded in 1935 by the Prague Linguistic Circle. Oriented toward the presentation of local and Central European research as well as its significance in relation to international trends, it focuses on all areas of structural linguistics as well as issues of language variation, style and language cultivation (language planning), to name a few. It serves as the primary representative of Czech language studies among academic journals and is also widely read by scholars of Slavic studies abroad.

Published quarterly.


ISSN 0037-7031 (Print)
ISSN 2571-0885 (Online)


Journal site:


Naše řeč

Naše řeč


Published by the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Naše řeč (Our Speech) is a refereed scientific journal devoted to Czech as a first language. The inaugural issue of Naše řeč was published in 1916. It publishes texts on Czech and English primarily from a synchronic perspective, but also from a diachronic one, and addresses questions of Czech grammar, vocabulary, orthography, stylistics, in general and with a focus on the language of individual literary works, and text linguistics. It devotes attention to the standard/literary variety of Czech in relation to other varieties. At its forefront are questions of language cultivation and the developmental dynamics of Czech, as well as problems of usage, norms, and codification. The journal also elaborates the Czech language discussion of current topics in linguistics. The journal is published five times per year.

Available in CEEOL and Digital Library AV ČR.


Acta onomastica


Published by the Czech Language Institue of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. v. i.

Acta onomastica is the only Czech peer-reviewed scientific periodical dealing with the field of proper names. It was founded in 1960 as „Zpravodaj Místopisné komise“ (later it appeared as „Onomastický zpravodaj“). It has an extensive network of Czech as well as foriegn contributors; contributions are published especially in Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, German, and English. Original articles, reviews and reports deal with any aspects of the research of proper names, their linguistic as well as extralinguistic aspects. Due its interdisciplinary orientation, the journal publishes contributions written not only by linguists, but also researchers from other fields.


Korpus – gramatika – axiologie


Published by the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Corpus – Grammar – Axiology Journal (KGA) is a peer-reviewed academic journal focused on corpus research in natural languages, especially their grammar, and on the evaluation of the features examined from the point of view of their systemic status, frequency, grammaticality, style values and other communication values. KGA publishes original papers written in Czech, Slovak, English and German. All papers submitted as articles shall contain an abstract in English. The journal is published twice per year. Papers are accepted throughout the year.


Issued since: VIII. 2010 | Periodicity: Two issues per year | Character: peer-reviewed scientific journal


New website of the journal: