Korpus – gramatika – axiologie


Published by the Czech Language Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Corpus – Grammar – Axiology Journal (KGA) is a peer-reviewed academic journal focused on corpus research in natural languages, especially their grammar, and on the evaluation of the features examined from the point of view of their systemic status, frequency, grammaticality, style values and other communication values. KGA publishes original papers written in Czech, Slovak, English and German. All papers submitted as articles shall contain an abstract in English. The journal is published twice per year. Papers are accepted throughout the year.


Issued since: VIII. 2010 | Periodicity: Two issues per year | Character: peer-reviewed scientific journal


New website of the journal: https://asjournals.lib.cas.cz/korpus-gramatika-axiologie/home




Mission of the Journal

Editorial Board


Information for Authors

Information for Subscribers



KGA is indexed in:







Online version available also at:


Digitální knihovna AV ČR


  Korpus - gramatika - axiologie in Digital Library of the Czech Academie of Sciences
 (the full archive of the journal with the exception of the last two years)



Korpus - gramatika - axiologie in Central and Eastern European Online Library
(the full archive of the journal; free for institutional users)


ISSN 1804-137X (Print) | ISSN 2788-1989 (On-line)


7 May 2012