Acta onomastica


Published by the Czech Language Institue of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. v. i.

Acta onomastica is the only Czech peer-reviewed scientific periodical dealing with the field of proper names. It was founded in 1960 as „Zpravodaj Místopisné komise“ (later it appeared as „Onomastický zpravodaj“). It has an extensive network of Czech as well as foriegn contributors; contributions are published especially in Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, German, and English. Original articles, reviews and reports deal with any aspects of the research of proper names, their linguistic as well as extralinguistic aspects. Due its interdisciplinary orientation, the journal publishes contributions written not only by linguists, but also researchers from other fields.


Published twice a year.
ISSN 1211-4413

Editor-in-Chief: Pavel Štěpán



International editorial board: Maria Giovanna Arcamone, Laimute Balode, Jelena Ľvovna Berezovič, Pierre-Henri Billy, Ana María Cano González, Ian Clark, Richard Coates, Vibeke Dalberg, Isolde Hausner, Botolv Helleland, Adrian Koopman, Jaromír Krško, André Lapierre, Ljubov Ostaš, Sirkka Paikkala, Adam Siwiec, Grant Smith, Svante Strandberg, Willy Van Langendonck,Walter Wenzel


The journal Acta onomastica is indexed in:




The electronic version of the journal Acta onomastica is available on the Internet at:

  • (Central and Eastern European Online Library) (Digitální knihovna Akademie věd České republiky / Digital Library of the ASCR)

Current Issue:

Acta onomastica LXI, 2/2020



Acta onomastica LXI, 1/2020

Acta onomastica LX, 2/2019

Acta onomastica LX, 1/2019

Acta onomastica LIX, 2018

Acta onomastica LVIII, 2017

Acta onomastica LVII, 2016

Acta onomastica LVI, 2016

Acta onomastica LV, 2016





All orders from institutions outside the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic are processed exclusively by EBSCO Information Services GmbH, Volkmarstraße 18, 12099 Berlin, Germany, phone: +49 30 166 388400, e-mail: <>.
The price of a yearly subscription is 30 EUR. Institutional orders processed by other subscription agencies are not in compliance with the agreement between the publisher and the above mentioned agency and are handled illegally.


The journal Acta onomastica does not accept texts already published or acccepted for publication elsewhere.


Formal arrangement

  • Authors are asked to send their articles electronically in MS Word text editor.
  • Pictures and graphs should be attached also as individual files of a suitable formate (e.g. jpg), preferably in shades of grey (not in colours).
  • The whole paper is to be written in the font Times New Roman (13 pt.) with line spacing 1.1.
  • A line (13 pt.) is omitted between the title and the text. No lines are ommited between the paragraphs or between the subtitles and the paragraphs within the text.
  • Subtitles within the text are written in boldface.
  • The first line in the paragraph is not to be indented.
  • Footnotes are to be written in characters of 12 pt., simple spacing; they should be inserted using the Insert/Reference/Footnote menu. The punctuation (if necessary) should precede the footnote number.
  • The heading of the paper includes:

a) author‘s name and surname; his/her residence or place of work (in brackets),
b) the title of the paper written in capital letters, 16 pt., for example:


Peter J o h n s o n (London)



  • For highlighting boldface is used; underlined typeface is usually not used.
  • Articles must be complemented by a short Czech and English summary (including the title translation into Czech and English.
  • The article must include also keywords in English, Czech and in the language of the paper.
  • A contact address and e-mail of the author(s) should be placed at the end of the paper.


Quoting literature and other sources

  • Inside the text, the literary sources are referred to (in brackets) by the name of the author, year of publication, and pages: (Larkin, 2001, p. 33). In case of referring to more items: (Black, 2005, pp. 105–108; White, 2007, p. 86).
  • A list of references is placed at the end of the paper. The list is not numbered; it is ordered aphabetically according to the surname of the author. If more items of one author are included, they are ordered chronologically. Bibliographical references should be arranged respecting the following models:


a) Articles in periodicals:
CORNER, J. (1999): Nicknames in social communication. Names, 47, pp. 472–486.

b) Articles in proceedings:
WHITE, M. (2000): Pragmatic aspects of proper names. In: R. Black (ed.), Onomastics and pragmatics. Proceedings from international onomastic conference. Toronto: York University, pp. 243–2 59.


c) Individual publications:
LARKIN, T. (2015): Development of place-names in Cornwall. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


d) Internet sources:
List of Key Onomastic terms. The International Council of Onomastic Sciences [online]. <> cit. 2017-11-01.


  • The bibliographic data are adduced in the original language:

СУДАРЬ, Г. С. (2007): Испанская топонимия. Москва: РосНОУ.




The contents of the individual issues of the journal Acta onomastica are compiled by the editors and they are discussed by the editorial board.

The journal includes the following sections: Articles, From Dissertations and Seminary Works, Discussions, Reviews, Chronicle, and News and Comments. The recommended languages of the contributions are: Czech, Slovak, Polish, Russian, German, and English.

The peer review procedure is reciprocally anonymous; the reviewer does not know the identity of the author of the reviewed text, and the author of the text does not know the identity of the author of the review.

The contributions of the sections Articles, From Dissertations and Seminary Works and Discussions are reviewed at least by two reviewers. In a standard form, reviewers indicate whether they recommend the contribution for publication, suggest its revision, or do not recommend its publication. If the reviewer suggests a revision of the text, s/he indicates, whether s/he recommends initiating a second round of the review procedure. Regarding the conclusions of the reviews, the editors inform the author whether the contribution is accepted, rejected, or whether its revision is required, and provide the author with all the obtained reviews. In case the author is asked to revise the text, s/he should inform the editors about the made changes, or explain which objections where not taken into account and why. If necessary, the editors can have the revised version of the contribution re-evaluated by one or more reviewers.

The contributions of the sections Reviews, Chronicle, and News and Comments are reviewed usually by one reviewer. The revised version of the contribution is evaluated exclusively by the editors.

The editors choose reviewers regarding their professional specialisation. The reviewer should not come from the same place of work (department, institute) as the author of the contribution or should not be in a close professional contact with him/her (e.g. as a member of a project team). The reviewers of one text should not come from the same place of work (department, institute).

The authors of the contributions are usually informed about the result of the review procedure within three months. The same applies to the second round of the review procedure. The editors try to make the review procedure as fast as possible, but they are not responsible for the delays caused by the reviewers.

Contributions that entirely obviously do not comply with the orientation of the journal, entirely obviously are not in accordance with the standards of the scientific work or their linguistic quality is entirely obviously unsatisfactory are not forwarded to the review procedure. Furthermore, the editors do not accept texts already published or accepted for publication elsewhere (including translated versions of the given text).

Texts are edited in cooperation with the author. The author accepts the first proofreading of the typeset text; after the authorial proofreading the second proofreading is made only by the editors and the finalised text is submitted to printing.



7 May 2013