
Letenská 123/4, 118 00 Praha 1 (map)

Secretariat of the Director, tel.: +420 225 391 402, 257 533 756, e-mail: ujc at

Language Consulting Centre, tel.: +420 257 531 793

Department of Grammar, tel.: +420 225 391 428

Department of Language Cultivation, tel.: +420 225 391 424

Department of Contemporary Lexicology and Lexicography, tel.: +420 225 391 437

Department of Stylistics and Sociolinguistics, tel.: +420 225 391 401


Valentinská 91/1, 116 46 Praha 1 (map)

Library, tel.: +420 225 391 462, +420 225 391 463

Department of Onomastics, tel.: +420 225 391 466

Department of Language Development, tel.: +420 225 391 460

Department of Scientific Information, tel.: +420 224 818 182
Technical and Economic Department, tel.: +420 225 391 451, fax: +420 222 322 962


Pod Vodárenskou věží 271/2, 182 00 Praha 8 (map)

Department of Language Studies, tel.: +420 736 249 295


Veveří 967/97, 602 00 Brno (map)

Department of Dialectology, tel.: +420 532 290 295
Department of Etymology, tel.: +420 532 290 515

IČO: 68378092

DIČ: CZ68378092
ID data box: cqjncc5


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