Basic Contacts


Phone inquiries:
Language Consulting Centre phone line: +420 257 531 793
Hours of operation: Monday - Friday 10 am –12 pm


Written inquiries:

We answer complicated or extensive questions through our professional written expertise service. We charge a fee for written responses, opinions and expertise, which we send out by post or e-mail. The fees are set in relation to the complexity of the given opinion or response (minimum of CZK 500 + VAT + handling fee and postage). We only accept direct payments to our bank account. Requests should include a telephone number at which we can reach you in case there is a need to specify questions.



Please send written requests to:

Jazyková poradna
Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i.
Letenská 123/4
118 00 Praha 1

Requests for professional written expertise may also be sent by e-mail to: Please type “Language inquiry request” in the subject heading.
The Language Consulting Centre does not provide consultations by e-mail.